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Over the years I have written articles concerning my Formula One modelling exploits for a number of publishers, where opportunity exists.

In the early years before the Millenium was celebrated, an informal group known as the Scale Formula Club existed and offered a platform through which to write about such matters, expressing suitable enthusiasm for burgeoning modelling skills and interest in converting one model into a related car a year or two either side of the parent kit. Such a publication was by photocopied pages, circulated to members by post. As things do, the dynamics of the group evolved and the ‘magazine’ and annual Pershore (Worcs) show which provided me with enormous inspiration, moved on. The nucleus of the group was retained whilst the magazine (such as it was) fell by the wayside to be replaced by MRM news (similar humble infrastructure) to which I also contributed, but this too was dissolved a few years later. The core-members of the group continued with an annual show at Telford in the spring for a while and actively support a variety of smaller shows around the country, with the IPMS (International Plastic Modellers Society) show at the International Centre, Telford (Shropshire) in the autumn being the focal point. The committed few have retained a common interest and have formed a group called Garagistes Land ( I have exhibited cars at various shows following invitation and encouragement from my friends at Garagistes Land, but showing models is not my main aim.

More formal writing opportunity came with SAM Publications whose first available title was Scale Auto Modeller and later this evolved via two manifestations of Scale Models International. This title including automotive material (otherwise all sorts, later becoming increasingly concerned with aviation and militaria) and finally published its last issue bearing auto-modelling, in July 2008. I was able to contribute articles from July 2001 until the magazine closed to automotive subjects, however Back Issues are available from the SAM Publications website ( See Scale Auto Modeller and Scale Models tabs LHS for Back Issues, many of which are still available. The magazine continues with the more popular Aviation and Military themes.

I wrote articles for these publications because I like writing about my hobby, also having a certain amount of training in the writing of scientific articles helped. Additionally, it was very important to me to get the material down on paper before I risked forgetting the details in the mists of time. It’s always good to see your name in print and have a small source of occasional income for one’s hobby. Lastly, I am fascinated about what I have learnt through the generous spirited members of the motorsport world where mechanics and race engineers are so willing and enthusiastic, that I wanted to pass on some of this knowledge to others who have little chance of seeing under the surface of a Grand Prix car, – a sort of educator role.

What follows should be Magazine Fronts with references and some sort of link to the original article I wrote for the magazine (therefore, may be unabridged, with typing errors possibly and without photos, for the magazine has the Copyright to final presentation, for which, interested readers will have to consult the pages of Back Issues). These accounts so presented, are in addition to the write-ups under ‘Cars’ and so may present a different view point and approach having been written some years ago. Over the years, successive editors wished to edit much of my work away and so articles of up to ten pages, gradually became only a two-page spread. Therefore, this is not a reflection of my reduced enthusiasm, far from it!

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