Happy Christmas everyone!

Thank you for viewing this website over the past several months, I hope it satisfies interests. With the building of the Tyrrell 006 in full swing since August, I have not added any new material to the website for the past four months and nor am I likely to until the 006 is completed towards the summer of 2012 – simply isn’t the time with full-time job, family etc. Longer term, there’s lots to add-to on this site, for example Thomas my 17 year old son (one of twins, with Philip, also an IT guru, Android phones see teamROU and ROU Launcher) provided a Twitter interactive icon (for mrof1models) when the 006 build started. By clicking on the Twitter icon (RHS Menu bar), the Twitter page loads (don’t need to be a member) and then by clicking on ‘view all images’ about 70 thumbnail images appear (most recent at top), clicking on any one of these reveals full image and text…enjoy!
Meanwhile, as we celebrate God’s gift to us, His son Jesus our Saviour this Christmas, I wish you all a successful and healthy 2012. Mark

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